Next: Frequency of Energy Printout
Up: The Control File
Previous: Frequency of Writing Restart-file
As ``Frequency of System Call every analysis-step'' you specifiy after how
many completed EGO-output files a UNIX
is invoked. This system call
is used to start the shell script you specify
in the subsequent line. Typical applications of such shell scripts my be the
conversion, compression or moving of EGO-output files. For that reason
some helpful variables are passed to the shell script. For more details
look at the demo shell script $(HOME)/ego/utils/
If you enter 0
for this variable, no system call is made, otherwise
typical values range between 10 to 500.
Calculation of EGO is halted until the shell script has finished. It is
possible to send tasks you call in the shell script in to the background by
an `&' at the end of your UNIX command, so EGO does not wait until the
task has finished.
If your task returns with an error (return-value not zero), EGO prints a
warning, but continues with calculation!
Helmut Heller